Translator ;)

My blog. My rules. (:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

[ Today tuition friends come my house...10/1/10 ]

my tuition de friends come to my house...
we do the BM de project...Winson teacher call us do de...
that project is FORM 3 wan do de...he teach us how to do 1st...
jocelyn,khai lynn,yan yi,willie.....
willie say he oso wan come my house de...
after that he at tuition tell us, he canot come liao..cuz his mum call him do thing...
so...we 9:00 tuition until 12:00....
after 12:00, yan yi,jocelyn,willie n khai lynn sit my car...
my mum fetch willie go home...
thn, me,khai lynn,jocelyn n yan yi...
my mum fetch us go to the pasar there near my house d...we go there n eat..
yan yi de mother bring roti for her to eat oni....
i eat mee goreng,jocelyn eat wan tan mee, khai lynn eat the lam mee....
after we eat, we walk back home cuz very near nia......
thn when they reach my house,
i saw my keh pa n my father de friends oso inside my house....
i giv jocelyn use my computer..
khai lynn use my sister 1..she n the yan yi share~
i use my father 1....thn we find the maklumat about that BM project...
we spent long time to play....abit time to find the maklumat...
hahaha~ so funny..that khai lynn...i wan capture her....she so paiseh~
her kuan oso very funny lo...make me laugh until my stomach pain...hahaha..
after that,my father go out le....we play the facebook very long..
i play that khai lynn facebook de chat...hahaha..~ LoL...
and that jocelyn sms from morning until night....with her boyfriend~
she still talk to her boyfriend the phone...she say "I LOVE YOU" romantic~ proud of that jocelyn Lol! ^^
thn my computer suddenly no sound....i pluck my sister de speaker..
n pluck mine wan....and put to my place.....
thn mine pluck till half...duno how to pluck blurr...many wires.....
thn i put back the wire...when my father back let him do.....
thn i use my father de computer open youtube n hear song...
zzz always stop de..sian~
i play jocelyn de camera....hehe..capture this and that...
that yan yi...duno she do wat oso....
she say wan to create an account..we ask her wan create wat account....
thn she say duno...
when the khai lynn open friendster for her, she click click click...
click until do the msn account....
actually she also dunno wat account she is doing...OMG...>.<
after that...
my mum fetch joc go home at 5:15pm...

[ About Today ]

Friday, January 1, 2010

[ Happy New Year 2010.. ^^ ]

回想起2009年,所有美好的,伤心的...都变成了回忆...最开心的是可以和Henry,Eunice & Suan Yee.....一起在班里有说有笑的非常的开心...唯一能让我开心,能让我展出笑容的人只有他们三个...我永远永远都会记得你们的....我们的欢笑....喜悦...永远都会记住的....即使我们不一样班,我也不会忘记你们的...我的好朋友,炜莹....我们在每一个时刻分享快乐...秘密.....我和炜莹都有心事..我们每次都一起分享...那些伤心的回忆都是我的心事.....很想忘记...可是却很难.. >_< 真的很难...可是,我的朋友,Suan Yee,Eunice & Wei Ying....他们一直都在支持我,给我信心,鼓励我.....2009年在学校的最后一天让我最伤心的最难忘的一天...... Eunice: 即使我们不一样班, 我们可以在几天一起meet....& talk...选一个最适当的时间让我们一起见面....聊天... Wei Ying: 你永远都是我最好的朋友.....我很喜欢你,Eunice&Suan Yee跟我分享一些我不开心的事....谢谢你们...我永远都会记得你们所对我的好... 新的一年又来了...欢迎2010.. 新的一年,新的开始... Wish all of my friends HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!